With all the hype behind Apple’s iPad 2 you may be looking for buying one too. But Apple has always been slow in bringing their latest products to India. The only time we get the products is usually before a newer model is released. Apple took exactly one year after it’s release date in US to bring Apple iPad to Indian markets. And most of us had already bought iPadfrom the grey markets for a wallet tearing price. But still there are ways to get Apple products in India. Since Apple hasn’t released iPad 2 official in India, we will have to depend on grey markets once again.

The best option for buying an iPad in India is to just buy it off the Internet. If you order it fromShop Your World you will get it in 6-8 weeks. The 16GB, 32 GB and 64GB prices are given below:
- iPad 2 16GB (Wi-Fi) – Rs 36,500.00
- iPad 2 32GB (Wi-Fi) – Rs 42,900.00
- iPad 2 64GB (Wi-Fi) – Rs 49,500.00
This site accepts all major Indian Credit and Debit Cards.
iPad 2 has also come to eBay.in but the cost vary from seller to seller. So head over to eBay and check out the different pricing available.

So are you going to buy iPad 2? Please leave your views about the iPad 2 as comments.