Ever did you think that you have just went away from your laptop and after returning you realized that your laptop has been stolen! Laptop security is important especially when you are away from your laptop. If you lose your laptop you will lose all your personal data like bank account number, credit card number, important phone number as well as you will face a lose of great amount of price money. Lalarm is a free software which sounds a loud alarm when your laptop is in danger from theft and losing important data.It not only prevent theft also has some more alarm and security function to protect your laptop and important data. Lalarm provides a high security for your laptop. Here I have discussed about some important features of Lalarm.

How Lalarm works
Prevents theft with theft alarm-
- You can connect a power outlet in your laptop then lock your computer Windows logo+L key.a loud sound will emitted from your laptop if anyone disconnects this power outlet from your laptop.If you have no power outlet then use your USB flash drive strap.
Battery alarm– If your battery power becomes lower then an alarm will be emitted from your laptop.This helps to prevent the loss of data due to sudden power loss.
Protect important data– You can destroy permanently your important data if your laptop is stolen.To set this function go to “Lalarm option” and click on “Destruction”.Browse your important data from your computer which you want to destroy permanently and click on “Apply”.You can set some option that works as your important data will be emailed to your email address before destruction.Go to the “Email option” and put your Email address and password and click on “Apply”. Immediately you will get a confirmation mail in your email address. With data recovery option you can recover your data from a stolen laptop. Functions starts working immediately after the start of your machine.

Prevents hard disk drive error and damages: It also helps to prevent hard disk drive error and damages with hard disk alarm .
Theft response option: In theft response option you can also set your laptop in advance what to do if your laptop is stolen.You can instruct turning on the webcam or sending a email in theft response option For identify the thief.
So Lalarm security software is totally devoted for security purpose and to save your laptop health and data.
Download Lalarm security software and save your laptop and important data from others hand.
There are various process and software to protect your data.But If you can be always alert about your laptop then you can reduce the chance of losing it.
Maintain some precautions to prevent theft
- Don’t leave your laptop in your car.If so then lock the doors and hide it out of site.
- If you are in Airport then don’t leave your laptop through X-Ray machine until you are ready to walk through the meter detector.Also pick up your laptop as soon as it comes out of the X-ray machine.
- Use some non-descriptive laptop bag.No need to advertise that there is a laptop with you in the bag.
- Never leave your laptop un-attended.