In this article we will learn how to convert a PowerPoint Presentation into a Video. There are many benefits of converting a presentation into a Video. For example if you have a mobile device which is capable of running videos but doesn’t have a .ppt file reader then you can use the video instead of the presentation. Similarly, if you want to post your presentation on YouTube or other video sharing websites then you can use this tutorial to convert the PowerPoint presentations into videos and upload them to the desired site. There are many other possible uses of converting presentation slides into a video. Now to the tutorial.
Converting PowerPoint Presentations Using AuthorStream:
There are many ways of converting a PowerPoint presentation into a video. We are going to convert it using AuthorStream website.
AuthorStream is a free platform where you can upload your PowerPoint presentationsand share them to the world. Once you have uploaded a presentation you will be given a unique link that points towards the presentation hosted at AuthorStream. It also provides an embed code that can be used to display the presentations on blogs and websites. AuthorStream uses flash to display the presentation so even if the user doesn’t have PowerPoint software installed in its system it will work, however, the user must have flash player installed.
Step 1: Sign Up At
First step is to go to AuthorStream website and make an account. Headover to the following link and make an account there:
Step 2: Uploading Your Presentation:
Once you have signed up at you need to upload the presentation that you want to convert to video. For this hover your mouse over Upload and click upload from Desktop. You can also choose upload from web option if you want. It depends on your choice.

Clicking on the suitable option will take you to the page where you can upload the presentation. Once the presentation has been uploaded you will be asked to write its title, description, enter tags, set category, change privacy and License options. This also gives you the control to allow and disallow certain type of audience from downloading your presentation.

Step 3: Converting Presentation To Video:
After that move your mouse over My Stuff in the navigation bar and click My Presentations.

This will list down all your presentations. Now, in the section of the presentation you want to convert to video, click Video and then click Convert to video.

A pop menu will open asking you to buy AuthorStream credits. Ignore it and click Next.

After that it will ask you to set the time for the video. Set the time and click Convert now.

Finally it will say that when the conversion will complete they will send you an email. Wait for the email. The email arrived in my inbox within 5 minutes. Once you got the confirmation email go to My Stuff > My Presentations. Click on Download and you will be able to see a Video option there. Click on it and you will be able to download the video in .mp4 format.

Converting PowerPoint presentations into a video can be very useful. This makes the presentation content portable and easily available on different medium. AuthorStream provides a very useful tool for converting PowerPoint presentations into a video.