Are you in a kinda problem with safety measure of internet usage among your children? Is it making you wonder to make your kids use net safely? Don’t worry, Google has a way to make your problems solved. Google Chrome Browsers have an add-on Called Web filter Pro which can very well manage the usage of internet among your children’s and keep your children’s safe while browsing away from adult content and unsuitable content throughout the net.
Lets see what does the WebFilter Proextension actually do. WebFilter Pro add-on is a cloud based web filtering application program for Google Chrome which protects your children’s browsing the net by monitoring millions of websites daily.Web filter add on can easily block the websites which can harm your computer like spam, gambling, spywares & virus sites etc. and also prevents your children’s from accessing those millions adult websites available today on the internet. You can follow this step by step tutorial to keep your children’s browse across the internet safe. However, they can access blocked websites after going through some methods but they will need more knowledge on computer.
Follow the below steps to activate WebFilter Pro Add-on for your Chrome browser.
#1 – Open your Chrome browser and open a new tab.
#2 – Now select Chrome web store in your homepage. You can get it by clicking on the App link on Google Chrome browser.
#3 – After opening Chrome web store, just type “Webfilter” in the Search box.
#4 – Now under the results for “Webfilter” section, select “WebFilter pro” and click Add to Chrome button.
#2 – Now select Chrome web store in your homepage. You can get it by clicking on the App link on Google Chrome browser.
#3 – After opening Chrome web store, just type “Webfilter” in the Search box.
#4 – Now under the results for “Webfilter” section, select “WebFilter pro” and click Add to Chrome button.

#5 – A dialog box will pop-up on your screen, click on Install.
#6 – When installation gets completed, you can see a new icon of web filter on the top right corner of your Chrome browser.
#6 – When installation gets completed, you can see a new icon of web filter on the top right corner of your Chrome browser.

#8 – WebFilter options webpage opens up, now select the check boxes which you think is necessary for your browsing.

#9 – After selecting the check boxes, the WebFilter add-on gets activated and returns an website access blocked page whenever an unwanted websites are accessed. You can see a sample picture below of the blocked page.

#11 – If you wish to block a particular website for few days like whenever your children’s are having exams and they need to prepare for the exam. So at that time you can block sites like which children often use to update status and chat with their friends. To block a particular website just go to the website which you want to block on a new tab.

#12 – After adding your particular website e.g to WebFilter, you can see a web access blocked page for the site So this will prevent your children from accessing Facebook during their exam time. Though, they can access Facebook if blockedusing some methods but those need more geeky knowledge.

#11 – However the reason, if you want to uninstall this WebFilter Pro add-on from your Google chrome browser, just right-click on the WeFilter Pro icon on the top-right corner of your browser and select Uninstall.

WebFilter add on is a free tool available on the Google Chrome browser and can be used by any chrome user for free. The Firefox users can also enjoy similar extension from here. Let us know if you want to contribute any such experience with your children.