When a web-designer designs a webpage, one of the part of it is Contact Us page. Contact Us page is also called as ‘Contact Form’ where you provides details of you or your company by which people or clients can be in touch with you if needed. This is the medium by which real life people can get into contact.
Contact Us Many websites and blog owners are directly published by adding a page in which it contains contact address (basically an email address), phone number and contact name. But the problem is that, in such cases you get a lot of spam emails, as I get generally. So I was looking for an alternative to Contact Form. Here I present you with Kontactr which provides you to create online forms, contact form in easy manner. Kontactr services finds a way to be handy tool for the blogs build on WordPress blogging platform although there are few plugins available which makes the work easy.

With Kontactr you can get the codes for
- AJAX Embed Widget
- Simple HTML Embed Widget
- Kontactr Pop Up through KPU Code
These codes can be embed on any webpage.
AJAX Embed Widget
This widget in Kontactr once displayed on a web page allows users to contact you without leaving your website. There is more, you can customize this widget too. Once you have customized you get the updated ad codes which can be displayed on any webpage.
The Customization of it allows you to add colors and it looks like-
HTML Embed Widget
So if you are looking for just a simple HTML coding? Then you can find your HTML embed code in this section. Here the codes are simple written in HTML language.
Kontactr Pop Up through KPU Code
Kontactr Pop Up are the small button which can be hyperlinked to a text or can be kept on sidebar or at the bottom, once clicked will Pop Up a Contact Form. The Contact Form under this section is also customizable.
Kontactr Pop Up through KPU looks like this, you can use any of the three-
Those were the three different forms by which you can display contact us page. Getting started with Kontactr is very easy, since you need a simple sign up, login to your account to get button, widgets. Kontactr buttons are more better and have features like CAPTCHA protection and codes for buttons and links to your form. Kontactr services is completely free for personal, commercial and non commercial use.
How does Kontactr Benefit me?
One a spammers catches your email address, you receive spam mails. With services like Kontactr your email address is completely concealed and the CAPTCHA code in the form keeps away from spam mails.
Author Speaks-
The contact form delivered by Kontactr are simple, easy, usable and delivers the email correctly but I find it a very little configurable. You find just the name, e-mail, subject and the message but not even a drop down menu, check box, auto responder and many more. Kontactr lacks other much more advanced features and the conclusion is clear that it’s just for a newbie webmaster who has just started and he doesn’t need much more professional contact form which are in detailed.