There is no need to mention that mobile phones and towers’ radiation causes many diseases. But we all are still not serious about this. We all are surrounded by mobile phones and their radiations and now there is no escape from this radiation’s surrounding. WHO (World Health Organization) has already said that radiation level of mobile phones and their towers should be leveled to a avoid dangerous diseases like cancers. But all norms were yet to be implement. So, India Govt. take this situation seriously and issued some guidelines for towers and mobile phone users. Govt norms said to mobile operators to control the Electromagnetic Emission Rate (but luckily all these are already in the limit issued by Govt.). So, now it’s on us (mobile phone users) to follow these guidelines for protection from dangerous electromagnetic radiations. Let’s see what are the guidelines of Indian Govt. for mobile phones from September 1, 2012.
Before Proceeding, some definitions to help you understanding better:
- India Govt. put limits on EMR and SAR. What are these ?
EMR means Electromagnetic Emission Rate, which defines the amount of emitted radiations from mobile phone towers. Govt. issued guidelines to limit EMR to 9.2 Watt per square meter.
SAR means Specific Absorption Rate, which may be defined as the amount of radiations absorbed by human body. SAR was set to 2.0 W/Kg before and now it has been limited to 1.6 W/Kg. Now all mobile phone manufacturers need to implement this limit on their devices from now onwards.
Govt. also issued guidelines for mobile phone users, we are going to present them point wise.
10 Govt. Guidelines to Reduce Radiation Level of Your Mobile Phone:
1. Use Speakerphone (Loudspeaker) or headsets (Earphones):
According to these precautionary mobile phone guidelines for users, users should maintain distance from the head during voice calls. They should keep mobile phones away from the head and should use speakerphone or headsets for calling. This reduces the effects of electromagnetic radiations on our body.
2. Prefer Messaging Over Voice Calls:
As voice calls causes more electromagnetic radiations as compared to messaging, users should prefer messaging over voice calls. They should make calls only when it is necessary otherwise users should use SMS for general talks.
3. Avoid Long Voice Calls:
If you generally talks for long time on mobile phones then you should avoid it. Long voice calls increases radiations affection time on you. Also after mobile phone being hot after some time produces more electromagnetic radiations, which are very dangerous for you. So, you should avoid long voice calls if you don’t want to be sorry later.
4. Prefer Landline Phone Over Mobile Phone:
Now-a-days we do not find landlines phones available easily, but if you have a landline phone near you then you should prefer calling via landline instead of mobile phone as they do not emit electromagnetic radiations.
5. Avoid Making Calls in Weak Signals:
Mobile phone users should make calls from a location where the signal is strong. “If the radio signal is weak, a mobile phone will increase its transmission power for trying to catch strong signals. Find a strong signal and avoid movement, use your phone where reception is good,” -new mobile phone guidelines.
6. Avoid Calling During Wet Hairs:
Wet hairs, helmets, metal sunglasses etc. are good conductor. They attract more radiations causing to make more radiations fall on your body. So, avoid making calls during wet hairs. Also avoid calling when your are wearing any metal thing on your face or head.
7. Avoid Carrying Mobile Phones Near Cancer Sensitive Body Parts:
Chest/breasts, private organs etc are more cancer sensitive body organs. They have the much more probability of getting cancer due to electromagnetic radiations. So, avoid carrying mobile phones near your heart or in pant pockets.
8. Avoid Purchasing Non-Branded Mobile Phones:
Non branded mobile phones have high Specific Absorption Rate (SAR). Which means they transmits more radiations in our body. So, you should prefer branded mobile phones for your better health. Mostly branded mobile phones have SAR less than 1.6 W/Kg while non-branded mobile phones have SAR near about 2 W/Kg.
9. Keep Mobile Phones Away from Head While Sleeping:
Generally we keep mobile phones near our heads while sleeping (mostly for wake up alarms). But this causes more radiations to enter in our body. Mobile phones transmits high frequency electromagnetic radiations in every 2 minutes for checking network and these radiations enters in our head while sleeping if we keep mobile phones near us.
10. Use Custom Cases:
Australian company Pong Research has been offering custom cases for the Apple iPhone, Android based devices and BlackBerry devices. These Pong cases look fancy and also reduce radiation while optimizing mobile phone reception at the same time. The Pong cases claim to reduce radiation levels by up to 96 per cent below the SAR level limits set by the international regulatory.
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